Special Events That Occurred During the Appointed Times

God has created the sun and moon to govern His special appointed times (see Gen. 1:14; Ps. 104:19, “seasons”=”appointed times”, H4150). God gives us a list of His appointed times in Leviticus 23. Notice that it says, “These are My feasts (Heb. “appointed times”, H4150). These appointed times belong to Him. He owns them. They are His special days when His people are to assemble for worship and thanksgiving. They are also God’s appointed times for events to happen. What follows is a list of all God’s appointed times and what events have happened on these special days throughout sacred history. These days are like anniversaries! They are to remind us of what God has done for us and our forefathers in times past. So the purpose of this list is to help us remember what God has done for us on these anniversaries.

Sabbath – 7th day of each week

  • On this day, at the Creation of the world, God rested and Sanctified this special day. (Gen 2:1-3)
  • On this day we are to rest and remember how God created the world, and how He re-creates, or sanctifies, us. (Ex 20:8-11)
  • On this day Christ kept the Sabbath all during His life on earth. (Luke 4:16)
  • On this day Christ performed so many miracles there are too many to list! (see the gospels)
  • On this day Christ rested in the tomb, before rising to begin His work on Sunday. (Mark 16:9)
  • On this day Paul kept the Sabbath, all through his life, just like Christ had done. (Acts 13:42-44)
  • On this day, in the earth made new, the redeemed will assemble every Sabbath to worship God. (Is. 66:22-23)

New Moon – 1st day of the month:

  • On this day the tops of the mountains were seen after the flood (Gen. 8:5)
  • On this day the flood dried up, and the ark was opened (Gen. 8:13)
  • On this day the Sanctuary was erected (Ex. 40:2)
  • On this day Moses gave the children of Israel the Book of the Law which God had given him. (Deut. 1:3)
  • On this day God told Moses to number the Israelites (Num. 1:1, 18)
  • On this day Ezra began his journey to Jerusalem. (Ezra 7:9)
  • On this day, four months later, Ezra arrived in Jerusalem. (Ezra 7:9)
  • On this day, the priests under Hezekiah began to cleanse the temple. (2 Chron. 29:17)
  • On this day Ezekiel had a vision (Eze. 29:17)
  • On this day Ezekiel had another vision (Eze. 31:1)
  • On this day Ezekiel had still another vision (Eze. 32:1)
  • On this day the temple shown to Ezekiel was to be cleansed (Eze. 45:18)
  • On this day Haggai had a vision (Hag. 1:1)
  • On this day, in the earth made new, the redeemed will assemble every New Moon to worship the LORD. (Is. 66:22-23)

    Choosing the Lamb – 10th day of 1st month (4 days before Passover):

  • On this day the Israelites would choose the Lamb to sacrifice at Passover. (Ex. 12:3)
  • On this day the Israelites crossed the Jordan and reached the borders of Canaan (Josh. 4:19)
  • On this day Christ set Himself apart as the Lamb to be sacrificed. (Matt. 21; DA, 571)
  • On this day Jesus wept over impenitent Jerusalem (Luke 19:42-44)
  • On this day “the angel of mercy” stepped down to give place to “justice and swift coming judgment” on Jerusalem because they rejected the Messiah. (DA, 579; Luke 19:42-44)
  • On this day came the last appeal to Jerusalem to accept the Messiah. (DA, 580; Matt. 21:10-11)
  • [remember that the day starts with the sun setting]
  • On this day Christ spent the entire night in prayer (DA, 581)
  • On this day Christ uttered the curse against the fruitless fig tree. (DA, 582; Mark 11:13)
  • On this day Jesus cleansed the Temple for the last time. (Mark 11:15-19)

    Passover – 14th day of the 1st month at evening:

  • On this night the Israelites prepared to leave Egypt. (Ex. 11-13)
  • On this night the first born in Egypt were slain. (Ex. 11-13)
  • On this night the Israelite nation was born. (Ex. 11-13; DA, 76)
  • Possibly on this night, 430 years before, God had made a Covenant with Abraham and shown him the vision of the smoking furnace and the burning lamp. (Gen. 15; Ex. 12:40-41)
  • On this day, after wandering 40 years, the Israelites arrived at the borders of Canaan. (Josh. 5:10-11)
  • On this night the Israelites were to celebrate a feast in memory of how they had been delivered from Egypt. (Lev 23)
  • On this day there was a very great reformation under Hezekiah. (2 Chron. 30)
  • On this day (during this time) there was a great reformation under Josiah. (2 Chron. 29:17; 35:1; 2 Kings 23:21-23)
  • On this day the returned captives celebrates the first festival after Temple was rebuilt under Ezra. (Ezra 6:19)
  • On this day John the Baptist was probably born (John was born 6 mo. before Christ)
  • On this day Christ, when only 12 year old, first understood His mission. (DA, 78; Luke 2:42)
  • On the morning before the Passover supper Jesus cleansed the temple for the first time. (John 2:14-23; 2SP, 115; 18MR, 91)
  • On this night (after the cleansing of the Temple) Nicodemus came to Jesus seeking an interview. (John 3; 18MR, 91)
  • On this night Christ gave Nicodemus that most wonderful explanation of the New Birth experience. (John 3; 18MR, 91) [This was a very fitting time for such an interview since it was the same night the Jewish nation and the Christian “nation” were born as well.]
  • On this day, exactly three years later, Nicodemus saw Christ “lifted up” to be crucified; and this was what convinced Nicodemus that Christ was indeed the Messiah, the Lamb of God. (John 19:39)
  • On this night Christ ate the Lord’s Supper with His disciples before His death. (Luke 22:15-16)
  • On this night the Christian “nation” was born [being the same night the Jewish nation was born thousands of years before]. (Luke 22:15-16)
  • On this night Christ instructed us to observe a feast, the Lord’s Supper, in memory of His sacrifice and our deliverance from sin. (Matt. 26; 1 Cor. 5:7-8)
  • On this night Christ tasted death for every man in the garden of Gethsemane. (Matt. 26:36-38; Da, 694)
  • On this day (the afternoon after the Lord’s Supper) Christ was crucified and died for our sins as “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (Matt. 27)
  • On this day, through Christ’s death as the “Lamb of God”, we were released from our bondage to sin, just as the Israelites were released from their bondage in Egypt on this exact same day, thousands of years before. (John 1:29; Ex. 11-13)
  • On this day the Roman general, Titus, besieged the city of Jerusalem again and finally destroyed it, 40 some years after Christ was crucified. (GC, 31)
  • On this night we are to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, not with “the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” (1 Cor. 5:7-8) We are to celebrate it in memory of our deliverance from bondage to sin, and looking forward to the time when it is fulfilled in the kingdom of Heaven. (Matt. 26; 1 Cor. 5:7-8; Matt. 26:29)
  • On this night Christ said that He will again eat of the Passover meal and drink of the cup with us when we celebrate it new in His Father’s kingdom. (Luke 22:16; Matt. 26:29)

    Unleavened Bread – 15th day of 1st month to 21st day of 1st month:

  • On this day (the first day of the Feast) the Children of Israel left Egypt in haste. (Deut. 16:3)
  • On this day (during this feast) the Children of Israel probably crossed the Red Sea (Ex 13:18)
  • On this day (during this feast) the Children of Israel, each year, celebrated the anniversary of leaving Egypt in haste. (Deut. 16:3)
  • On this day the Manna ceased because they had arrived at the borders of the Promised Land. (Josh. 5:12)
  • On this day, during the reformation of Hezekiah, the people enjoyed the feast so much they decided to stay another seven days to learn more of God’s law. (2 Chron. 30; PP, 338)
  • On this day (the first day of the Feast) Christ rested in the tomb. (Luke 23:56)
  • On this day (during this feast) Peter was miraculously released from prison by an angel. (Acts 12)
  • On this day (during this feast each year) we are to celebrate how Christ has delivered us from bondage to sin. (1 Cor. 5:7-8)

    Wave Sheaf – day after 1st Sabbath of Unleavened Bread:

  • On this day Christ rose from the dead. (Luke 24:46)
  • On this day Christ ascended to the Father to receive the assurance that His sacrifice had been accepted. (DA, 790)
  • On this day “The Father ratified the covenant made with Christ, that He would receive repentant and obedient men, and would love them even as He loves His Son .” (DA, 790)
  • On this day “all power in heaven and on earth was given to the Prince of Life.” (DA, 790)
  • On this day Christ came back to the earth and appeared to several of His followers. (Luke 24)
  • On this day Christ walked with the two men on the road to Emmaus and explained the scriptures to them. (Luke 24)

    Pentecost – 50 days after Wave Sheaf:

  • On this day God spoke the Law from Mt. Sinai, according to Jewish history.
  • On this day the Israelites were to present two loaves of bread before the Lord as a thank offering for the harvest of grain He had given them. (Lev. 23:17)
  • On this day the ceremony of Christ’s inauguration in Heaven was completed, and He was enthroned amidst the adoration of angels. (Acts 2; AA, 38)
  • On this day the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples who were gathered at Jerusalem. (Acts 2)
  • On this day 3,000 souls were converted by the preaching of the disciples. (Acts 2)
  • On this day it is our privilege to gather together and pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Latter Rain, which will enable us to gather in a great harvest of souls.
  • On this day the Holy Spirit may again be poured out on the waiting saints. (James 5:7)Trumpets – 1st day of the 7th month:
  • On this day the Children of Israel were to blow trumpets and have a day of rejoicing. (Lev. 23:23-26; Neh. 8)
  • On this day there was a reformation under Nehemiah (Neh. 8)
  • On this day those who had returned to rebuild the Temple restored the offerings. (Ezra 3:6)
  • On this day (quite possibly) in 1833, the last of the signs appeared that Christ had promised as signs of His Second Advent – the falling of the stars. This took place ten years before Day of Atonement, which happened in 1844. (GC, 333)
  • On this day we are also to have a day of gladness and rejoicing. (Neh. 8)

    Day of Atonement – 10th day of the 7th month:

  • On this day the children of Israel were to afflict their souls and confess their sins so they could be cleansed. (Lev. 23:27-32)
  • On this day in 1844 Christ entered the Most Holy place in Heaven to begin the work of cleansing the Sanctuary (Dan. 8:14)
  • On this day we must be searching our hearts and confessing our sins so they can be blotted out. ( Lev. 23:27-32)
  • On this day, shortly before Christ’s Second Coming, may be the day when the Jubilee commences and the righteous are delivered. (Lev. 25:9; EW, 25)

    Feast of Tabernacles:

  • On this day the Children of Israel celebrated a feast each year which reminded of how they dwelt in booths in the wilderness, and how God took care of them. (Lev. 23:42-43)
  • On this day the Law of God was read every seven years during this feast. (Deut. 31:10)
  • On this day (probably the first day of the feast) Christ, the Messiah, was likely born. (Subtracting 3.5 years from the time Christ died at Passover puts his birth at Tabernacles)
  • On this day (probably the last great day of the feast) Christ, the Messiah, was circumcised as a child (Lev. 12:3)
  • On this day (sometime during the feast) Christ forgave the woman caught in adultery. (DA, 460)
  • On this day (sometime during the feast) Christ proclaimed Himself “the Light of life”. (DA, 463)
  • On this day (sometime during the feast) Christ healed the man blind from birth. (DA, 470)
  • On this day (the last great day of the Feast) Jesus gave His offer of living water. (John 7:37)
  • On this day (during this feast each year) we are are to have a joyous commemoration of the blessings of God to us. (PP, 540)
  • On this day the Roman general besieged the city of Jerusalem, prior to it’s destruction. (GC, 31)
  • On this day, in the day of final ingathering, at the end of the world, the wicked will finally be destroyed. (PP, 541; Matt. 13:30)
  • On this day, also at the end of the world, the righteous will be gathered into God’s great garner. (PP, 541; Matt. 13:30)
  • On this day (possibly in the New Earth) the prophecy of Zechariah says that all the families of the earth will come up to worship the LORD of Hosts. (Zech. 14:16)

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